Posted on 10th Sep 2013
If you're a small business owner in Victoria, there's never been a better time to upgrade your current glasswasher or dishwasher with a new one. The Victorian Government's Living Victoria Water Rebate Program provides rebates of up to $2000 for Victorian small businesses towards the purchase and installation costs on a range of water efficient appliances, including our Eurowash glasswashers and dishwashers, as a reward for being water efficient. Eurowash products have been approved for the program, with rebates available on all Eurowash glasswashers and dishwashers pruchased and installed before 30 June 2015.
Small businesses that qualify can make multiple claims to receive up to $2000 worth of rebates until the end of the program, 30th June 2015. To qualify for the rebate, you must be a small business in Victoria, with less than 50 full time equivalent employees, you must be connected to an urban reticulated supply, and purchase approved products. The total rebate payable is calculated at 50 per cent of the expenditure up to a maximum rebate of $2000 for the purchase and implementation of a range of products, appliances and services as detailed in this brochure.
Claiming money back for your Eurowash dishwashers is easy - simply complete the Claim Form and send it to the Rebate Department (contact details are on the Claim Form) along with a copy of your Aussie Pizza Supplies invoice. Claim forms are available here.
For more information on the Victorian Water Rebate Program you can go to:
Eligible Eurowash Models Include:
Eurowash EW340 Compact Glasswasher
Eurowash EW360 Undercounter Dishwasher
Pass-Through DishWasher EW393
Premium Undercounter Glasswasher EW411
Eurowash EW610 Undercounter Dishwasher
It's just another way that Aussie Pizza Supplies is helping busy pizza people.
Check it out today!
The information contained in this webpage was sourced from .
The information is published in good faith and is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. All rebates are subject to satisfaction of the eligibility criteria specified by the relevant state or federal legislation. You should always refer to the relevant regulation or legislation published by the respective governments to ascertain the relevant criteria before applying for a Rebate. Aussie Pizza Supplies will not be held responsible for any cost, loss or damage suffered as a result of relying upon the information contained in this webpage should such information be incorrect or should it contain any error.