Posted on 28th Oct 2013
It used to be acceptable to display commercial pricing excluding gst. However, this often made products appear much cheaper than they really were and soon became a tactic for suppliers to appear much cheaper than the competition while actually having some of the highest prices in the industry. Although many commercial suppliers still maintain their gst exclusive pricing to appear competitive, Aussie Pizza Supplies has converted all of our online pricing to include GST, in compliance with the ACCC and Australian standards.
For our commercial customers, please note that our prices have not gone up! Our prices are still incredibly competitive and we wont be beaten on either service or price. If you take the time to compare apples with apples, you'll see the the savings on our products will soon stack up.
For our domestic customers, our pricing is now even easier to understand.
It's just another way that Aussie Pizza Supplies is helping busy pizza people.